Flutter: Interesting packages, part 2.

Samuel Wahome
3 min readSep 7, 2021

Welcome one and all to the second edition of interesting flutter packages that you may use in any of your upcoming and current Flutter projects, depending of course, on your specific use case. The first part can be found right here.

  1. timeago

Ever worked on an app and you needed to display fuzzy timestamps that showed when a post was created or updated, how long ago a comment was added etc. Well, look no further, as this library is bundled together to solve that very urgent need. Of course, you could replicate the functionality of this library within your code, but in case you prefer to automate to save time, then this library is definitely a worthy recommendation.

2. flutter_staggered_grid_view

Think about a staggered grid view and an app such as Pinterest immediately pops in mind. Need that staggered grid view feel, then this library is definitely for you. I was actually a bit surprised that the Flutter framework doesn’t pack this by default, but it does have the default grid view that is also customizable. And in case you do need a bit of help implementing this library(the docs are very articulate by the way), then this article should be of much help.

3. connectivity_plus

Need a way to discover and watch the network state of your Flutter application, then this library is definitely for you. This would definitely be useful where you need to inform users whenever their internet connection is lacking. This nifty library can even tell the difference between a mobile and WiFi connection. If you do need any help integrating this library into your application, then this video should be of much help.

4. shared_preferences

Need to persist simple data in your application such as whether an app user has viewed a specific page route, then this library should definitely meet your programming needs. Caution, however, needs to be observed as not to store critical data using this library.

5. tab_indicator_styler

In the event you do need to style your Flutter TabBar, then this library is definitely a worthy recommendation. It has three different styles of tab indicators, which are all very customizable, hence making delivering beautiful UI nearly child’s play.

6. simple_animations

With Flutter being a UI framework, animations are definitely at its core. If you ever need to create custom animations that are tested and enterprise-ready, then this library is definitely a worthy recommendation.

7. path_provider

Does your application need to have the ability to retrieve locations from the file system, such as when you are accessing a PDF, image, video, etc? Then this library is definitely what you need, and a worthy recommendation at that too.

8. animated_text_kit

Ever needed visually appealing text animations? Then this library is definitely what you need. With over nine different types of animations to choose from plus the ability to make your custom text animations, then this feature-packed library is definitely a worthy recommendation.

9. shimmer

Need an easy way to add a shimmer effect in your application? Well, look no further as this library has your back. In the event you do need help incorporating it into your application, then this article should be of much help.

All the afro mentioned packages have null safety incorporated into them, hence no worries about incompatibility with recent versions of Flutter.

To all readers, cheers to code🥂, and have a blessed day.



Samuel Wahome

A Software developer || Very curious guy || Ardent reader.